As the CoreMedTech Scan Posts is the original digital Scan Post solution it has 10+ years of proven performance together with the 3shape Trios® and it has proven as reliable solution for digital scanning for Post and Core.
The solution saves time by allowing lab technicians to design all layers in a single digital workflow.
The CoreMedTech Scan Posts facilitate accurate capture of the Post and Core restorations’ positions and depths. Scan Posts are applicable for both intraoral use in the clinic and for model scanning in the lab. CoreMedTech Scan Posts are autoclavable, and they come in various shapes and sizes to support drill systems from major suppliers and the portfolio is always expanding.
With the use of radio opaque material, CoreMedTech scan post can be detected and the placement controlled using x-ray and with testing for 100 reuses, the CoreMedTech scan posts is a reliable solution for reuse, optimized for scanning by precision machining of a select biocompatible polymer ensures optimum scanning results through our the product life.
Laser engraved identification ensure easy identification of the correct scan post, both before, during and after treatment.
CoreMedTechs Post and Core solution can be used with 3Shape TRIOS® digital impressions and 3D scans of gypsum models. Dentists with 3Shape TRIOS® can kick start Post and Core cases in the clinic by capturing and sending highly reliable input to the lab for direct designing. A special dual-scan workflow using CoreMedTech Scan Posts ensures accurate capture of true depths and positions of the root canal. If gypsum models are the input source, lab technicians simply insert CoreMedTech Scan Posts in the model before scanning.
In the lab, technicians align the captured Scan Posts and let the software calculate positions and depths automatically. By first designing the anatomy layer and applying dedicated Post and Core modeling tools, technicians can create optimally shaped and functional Post and Core designs that are matched to the clinical case and ready for manufacturing through wax print and cast, milling, or laser sintering.
Labs can design Post and Core cases for standard crowns, single-piece retained crowns, and anatomical single-piece retained crowns that are cut back for veneering.
CoreMedTech Scan Post – Multiple post and core workflow
CoreMedTech Scan Post – Post and Core on TRIOS Case
Journal of prosthodontics
The Accuracy of Post and Core Fabricated with Digital Technology
Purpose: To compare the accuracy of post and cores created with three different fabricating techniques: direct conventional, machine milling, and three-dimensional (3D) printing’
Journal of dental Applications
Cad-Cam Fabricated One-Piece Ceramic Post and Core for Teeth Supporting Fixed Partial Dentures: Report of Two Cases
Bankoğlu Güngör M*, Karakoca Nemli S, Doğan A, Tamam E and Turhan Bal B
Purpose: To represent chairside treatment procedures of two patients who received all ceramic fixed partial dentures with one-piece CAD-CAM generated ceramic post core restored abutment teeth.
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
The Accuracy of Post and Core Fabricated with Digital Technology
Amir Reza Hendi 1, Mohammad Moharrami 2, Hakimeh Siadat 3, Habib Hajmiragha 4, Marzieh Alikhasi 5
Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the retention of posts and cores fabricated using full-digital, half-digital, and conventional techniques and to define the accuracy of each technique in terms of the apical gap.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry
CAD/CAM Customized Glass Fiber Post and Core With Digital Intraoral Impression: A Case Report
Antonio Libonati,1 Virginia Di Taranto,1 Gianni Gallusi,1 Edoardo Montemurro,1 and Vincenzo Campanella1
Purpose: Digital dentistry has been developed to increase workflow precision and to accelerate production process; use of CAD-CAM to realize customized posts was limited to scanning plaster models obtained from traditional impressions.
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